Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lance the mousehunter

Don't get me wrong, I love my little Lance (smallest cat on the pic) but these days he's driving me crazy. Thanks to Lance I have a new morning routine. Get out of bed, shower, put make up on, go downstairs and check the room for dead mouses. Lance got a new hobby this week. In 5 days he brought me 5 dead mouses and left them in my living room. He actually left the third one in one of my shoes. Now im not easily creeped out when it comes to my cats. I know having animals means having to clean stuff you would rather not have in your house, but dead mouses are not cool. I have this image in my head that one day i'll come home, not pay attention and step on a dead mouse.  EEK!!! If anybody has any good ideas on how to get Lance a better hobby, please let me know XD

1 comment:

  1. haha ahw lance. I still love him but when I come over, I'll hide my shoes for sure!!
